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Previewing DICOM Images with OpenDrive

6 Feb 2014 | Under General | Posted by | 0 Comments

In this day and age, it is becoming increasingly common for just about every type of data to be converted to a digital format. Digitization of files, whether these files are for personal or business use, is necessary for not only convenience but to save space as well. While the need for medical care seems […]

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Previewing Images with OpenDrive

5 Feb 2014 | Under General | Posted by | 0 Comments

Most people who store their media files on their computers or other devices, whether it is for personal or business purposes, will have thousands of files to keep track of. Because our memories aren’t so easy to jog when dealing with digital images, which can be created within a graphic design application, captured with a […]

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Selling Your Files with OpenDrive

31 Jan 2014 | Under Business | Posted by | 0 Comments

There are many cloud storage providers out there that allow you to share your files with others, and that can be done in many different ways, whether it be sending pictures of the children to grandma, displaying an image on a web page, forum or social media, or sharing a document between co-workers. This is […]

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Data Deduplication with OpenDrive

24 Jan 2014 | Under General | Posted by | 0 Comments

When storing your data on the cloud, it is inevitable that you will end up with duplicate files. This duplicate and redundant data can take up lots of unnecessary space, making it take longer to locate and access those files on the cloud. With routine backups, overwriting of the same files, day in and day […]

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File Versioning with OpenDrive

22 Jan 2014 | Under General | Posted by | 0 Comments

When you are storing, sharing and collaborating on your business files, you will often find the need to review past versions of those files. Sometimes a wrong change can be made, a file can be lost before it is stored on the OpenDrive Cloud, or you can forget to save something to a document. There […]

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Streaming Audio with OpenDrive

16 Jan 2014 | Under General | Posted by | 0 Comments

In just a few short years, digital audio technology has quickly gone from being the wave of the future to something that some people simply cannot live without. Certain audio formats such as MP3, although few had faith in them in the beginning, have become the most common and convenient means of enjoying our favorite […]

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Streaming Video with OpenDrive

23 Dec 2013 | Under General | Posted by | 0 Comments

The holidays are almost upon us. As we are preparing to capture those memories of family, friends and good times, it is important to have a means to safely and securely preserve those memories in a way that will allow us to quickly and conveniently access them anytime we like. OpenDrive offers that option. With […]

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OpenDrive VS. JustCloud

20 Dec 2013 | Under Business, Website | Posted by | 0 Comments

In the current digital age, consumers are fortunate to be able to thoroughly research the options that are available as they are looking for the best cloud storage service that can fit their needs. Popularity and market share aren’t always the most important things, especially with the wealth of information we have at our fingertips, […]

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Windows Application Update December 19, 2013

19 Dec 2013 | Under Windows | Posted by | 0 Comments

We have released an update for the Windows application (New Version Some of the features that are included in this update are: – De-duplication support – Versioning for encrypted files in Secure Files folder – Sync and backup manager UI improvements – Bug Fixes If you already have the Windows OpenDrive application installed, you […]

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User Management with OpenDrive

| Under General | Posted by | 0 Comments

OpenDrive plays a pivotal role in giving businesses complete control over how their users have access to view and edit files stored in the cloud. Maintaining a well-structured layout, in which a user has access to selected file types, is a perfect way to keep a business organized from anywhere and any device that has […]

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