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Third Party WebDAV Apps with OpenDrive

11 Mar 2014 | Under Android, Linux, Mac, WebDAV, Windows | Posted by | 0 Comments

Limitations are rarely a good thing, especially when it comes to your cloud storage or backup provider. The ability to bridge across all user platforms and through various applications is not only a great convenience, but can often be vital. OpenDrive offers versatility with their ability to be used through third party apps via a […]

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Pausing and Resuming Tasks with OpenDrive

7 Mar 2014 | Under Mac, Windows | Posted by | 0 Comments

In this day and age, things can get hectic and often leave you yearning for a pause button. The ability to pause certain technologies is both convenient and a necessity at times. While OpenDrive can’t help with a hold button on life, they can offer this technological convenience in your cloud and backup tasks with […]

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Task Filtering with OpenDrive

5 Mar 2014 | Under Mac, Windows | Posted by | 0 Comments

One of the main benefits of a cloud storage and backup service is convenience. With OpenDrive’s Sync and Backup Manager, you can streamline your backup and sync tasks by scheduling or altering those tasks to work for you, whenever you need to and the way you need to. Perhaps you need to make a folder […]

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Usage Tracking and Alerts with OpenDrive

3 Mar 2014 | Under General | Posted by | 0 Comments

You have a business and want to utilize cloud storage to store your files, back them up and collaborate with colleagues and clients. You sign up for an OpenDrive Business Unlimited account or Custom Business account, upload all of your files and set up users with different levels of access for different folders on that […]

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Working with Sync and Backup Tasks with OpenDrive

21 Feb 2014 | Under Mac, Windows | Posted by | 0 Comments

Of all the features of OpenDrive that we have been showcasing over the past few months, the most valuable is the automated Sync and Backup Manager. The Sync and Backup Manager is capable of taking thousands of file functions and tasks, across thousands of files and folders, and execute them automatically and according to a […]

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Staying Safe in the Cloud with OpenDrive

19 Feb 2014 | Under General | Posted by | 0 Comments

Being able to store and access your files on the cloud is extremely convenient, easy and can save a lot of time and hassle. With any type of digital technology like this, however, the risk of your files and your privacy being compromised will greatly increase. To keep your files and your privacy safe and […]

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Managing Space and Bandwidth with OpenDrive

17 Feb 2014 | Under General | Posted by | 0 Comments

Cloud storage accounts provide a great deal of convenience for business applications, as well as any other type of collaboration between multiple people. Depending on the plan you choose and what your cloud storage provider offers, you will end up with resources that will have to be not only shared, but tightly monitored to make […]

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File Collaboration with OpenDrive

14 Feb 2014 | Under General | Posted by | 0 Comments

Internet technology, in addition to providing a centralized location for a world of information at your fingertips, has also served to make the world feel smaller than ever before. It has become extremely easy to communicate with people that are located just about anywhere in the world. Social media and messaging applications can indeed make […]

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File Hosting with OpenDrive

12 Feb 2014 | Under Website | Posted by | 0 Comments

Computers, smart phones, tablets and other such electronic devices have become a staple of everyday life in today’s world. The ability to connect these devices to the World Wide Web has made them more indispensable than ever, providing the means to access a world of information right at your fingertips and from the comfort of […]

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Getting Free Space with OpenDrive

10 Feb 2014 | Under Promo | Posted by | 0 Comments

Are you interested in exploring the possibilities that cloud storage has to offer? Would you like a way to test a service to see if it is right for you, or just have the ability to share a small amount of files occasionally without having to commit to paid monthly or yearly plan? There are […]

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